Hi! Welcome to school of bugs!
Our website was founded in 2019 with one simple mission. To help educate the public about the weird and wonderful world of Bugs! Most people go about their day to day lives not knowing the incredibly important role that these small, diverse and unique creatures play in the well being of planet earth.
We love hearing from our readers and writing articles that educate people about the wonderful world of bugs. At the time of writing this about page we have articles on:
- Spiders
- Ants
- Termites
- Butterflies
- Cockroaches
- Preying Mantis
- And of course Ladybugs – our logo 😉
If things go well we’ll hit 100 articles before the years out and plan to release many many more articles in 2020 and beyond. So get in contact! Let’s know what you enjoy reading about and we’ll write articles about them!
Starting 2020 School of Bugs wants to write a series of articles of articles around the important roles bugs play in our ecology and how they help prefer the delicate balance of mother nature.
If you’d like to write for us? Send an email to school of bugs at [email protected] with your idea, why you want to write for school of bugs and a sample of your writing.
For more information on our rates and the types of writers we’d like to work with: Write for us information
Enjoy our site and we look forward to hearing from you!