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Bugs are not immune to cold weather, they also need warmth during the winter and will look for a place to hide or burrow in. They are also in danger once winter arrives, and most of them will not...
Ever wondered if insects can see red light? Or how on earth we figured out the answer?! Me too. This article will lay out exactly why insects as a group tend not to be able to perceive red light...
While some people's first reaction to seeing a spider might be to squish it or spray it, arachnologists and spider experts suggest that this is the exact opposite of what you should do. It turns...
Are all house spiders female? No, not all house spiders are female. There is a common misconception that all house spiders are female. The truth is that they are the most dominant in houses because...
In this article I’ll explain exactly what those TINY BLACK BUGS IN YOUR BED OR BEDROOM are and if you should be worried about them or not. Then I’ll provide some advice on how to deal with them...
Learning about termite swarms is super interesting. Reading this article from start to finish will give you A good foundation to understanding how termite swarms work.How deal with them if they...