Can You Get Exterminator For Stink Bugs? With Costs!

There are a whole host of pests that exterminators have to deal with. Cockroaches, silverfish, rats, you name it, an exterminator has dealt with it.

Since its arrival from Asia in the mid-1990s, one pest has continued to become a growing pain in homeowners and farmer’s butts. The stink bugs. More specifically, the brown marmorated stink bug.

But can you get an exterminator that deals with them? Yes, many exterminators deal with stink bugs and have extensive experience doing so.

Over the last two decades, the number of stink bug infestations has vastly increased due to a combination of factors, including global warming.

While professionals can offer a variety of methods for dealing with stink bugs, there are a number of other DIY techniques that can be used if you cannot find an exterminator.   

This article will go into detail about the following subject matters: 

  • Can you get an exterminator for stink bugs?
  • Are stink bug infestations on the rise? 
  • What extermination methods are used? 
  • The costs of getting rid of stink bugs
  • What if I can’t find an exterminator that deals with stink bugs? 

Can You Get an Exterminator For Stink Bugs?

The rise of stink bugs infestations has come with a growing demand for exterminators to treat them. The majority of exterminators have some experience with dealing with stink bugs.

The stink bug can be found in the list of insects and pests that an exterminator typically deals with.  

While the number of stink bug infestations is on the rise, they are not as common as other pest infestations such as mice, rats, cockroaches, or silverfish. As a consequence, a stink bug infestation may be more expensive to deal with.  

Are Stink Bug Infestations on the Rise? 

The Rise of Stink Bug Infestations in the United States 

Since arriving in the United States from Asia in the mid-1990s, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) has become an ever more prevalent pest. 

While other native stick bugs exist in the US and across the globe, the BMSB has a reputation as an invasive insect known for infesting homes and ruining crops. 

Since its first recorded spotting in Allentown, PA, during the fall of 1996, the brown marmorated stink bug has since spread through New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Today it is most prevalent in the mid-Atlantic region and has been identified in 44 states

With its spread across the whole of America, there has come a rapid increase in the number of stink bug infestations and demand for exterminators to deal with the growing problem.  

The Rise of Stink Bug Infestations in the United Kingdom

It is not just the United States that the stink bug has made its presence known. Most recently, the BMSB has been found in the United Kingdom.

The first recorded sighting happened at the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) garden at Wisley, Surrey. The brown marmorated stink bug was discovered in Essex, the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Garden in South Kensington.  

While it is not a prominent pest, many professionals are debating the potential severity of the infestation and its effect on crops and people’s homes. While the severity of the infestation is still unknown, the rise in stink bug infestations in the coming years is sure to rise. 

The Impact of Global Warming

One of the reasons for the increase in stick bug infestations across the globe is the impact of global warming

The rise in ambient temperatures leading to milder springs and summers has provided stink bugs with the ideal breeding environment. The warmer climate allows them to complete more than one population cycle in the year

During the winter months, they seek shelter in people’s homes. On the milder days during the winter period, the stick bugs will become more active and make their presence known.

With milder winter temperatures becoming more common, stink bugs are becoming more active during winter.   

What Extermination Methods are Used? 

Insecticides and Pesticides 

Most exterminators will use insecticides and pesticides to deal with a stink bug infestation. 

If you are concerned about the effects of insecticides and pesticides, try to find an exterminator that follows EPA guidelines.

As of 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of organic insecticidesAzadirachtin and pyrethrins, which are derived from botanical ingredients and are safe to use on organic crops.     


Prevention is another method that exterminators use to help reduce the chance of future infestations and to ensure that any stink bugs do not return. 

These methods include:  

  • Treating the perimeter of your home. 
  • Removing any food sources that could attract stink bugs 
  • Sealing off any gaps, cracks or crevices found in the home using a sealer or caulk 

The Costs of Getting Rid of Stink Bugs

The price range for getting rid of a stink bug infestation can vary greatly. Typically, the initial cost can start at $99, but this can increase depending on a number of different factors. 

Contributing Factors 

When dealing with a stink bug infestation, several factors contribute to the cost of your exterminator

  • Methods used: High-quality treatments or the use of EPA-approved organic pesticides will lead to a more expensive quote. 
  • Prevalence of infestation: If stink bugs infestations are less common in your area, the materials required to deal with an infestation may be more expensive or harder to obtain for exterminators. As a means of recouping these costs, an exterminator may charge more.  
  • Size of the infestation: The larger the infestation, the more resources that are required to deal with that infestation. 
  • Services rendered: Some exterminators offer premium services that can include quarterly check-ins and inspections. 

What Should I Expect My Exterminator to do? 

To ensure that you get the most for your money when hiring an exterminator, here is a short list of some things they should include as part of their service

  • Investigate: Exterminators should inspect the home thoroughly for any signs of infestation. Not just for pest sightings but also any signs that pests have been there previously, eg, droppings, eggs.
  • Protect: Provide the treatment they initially outlined. This could include the use of pesticides and insecticides as well as removing any potential food sources that could attract pests in the future.  
  • Fortify: Seal any cracks or gaps with sealer or caulk to prevent insects from reentering the home. 
  • Keep Watch: Exterminators should install traps or pest monitors in the areas of infestation or areas where infestations are most likely to occur, e.g., kitchen, bathrooms, garages, attics, basements, crawl spaces.  
  • Report: Exterminators should provide you with a detailed report of the services they have provided along with further recommendations on how to help maintain a pest free home. 
  • Follow Up: Exterminators should stay in regular contact, offer check-ups and respond to any questions or queries that you may have. 

This is a basic guideline to know that you are getting the most out of your exterminator. These are all services that should be standard when hiring an exterminator.

Suppose any of these factors are not included in the quote you are given. In that case, you are best looking elsewhere for an exterminator.  

What If I Can’t find an Exterminator That Deals with Stink Bugs? 

So what if there are no exterminators in your area that deal with stink bugs? What do you do then? 

Treatment Methods 

  • Vacuum cleaner: Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any stink bugs 
  • Fenpropathrin and Clothianidin: These are two readily available pesticides that can be used without professional help. Liberally apply to the infected ground or crop. Professionals suggest between 100 and 300 gallons of water per acre when applying these treatments.
  • Essential oils: Stink bugs hate essential oils. Needle oil, lavender oil, and other essential oils emit an odor that stink bugs hate. Mix a few teaspoons of essential oils with warm water and shake thoroughly. Apply liberally to the areas when the stink bugs tend to congregate.  

Prevention Methods

There are a number of measures that can be taken to help prevent a stink bug infestation from occurring again

  • DIY deterrent spray: Mix water, dish soap, and lavender oil in a 1:1:1 ratio to create a natural deterrent. Spray liberally on plants and crops in your garden. 
  • Seal any cracks and crevices in windows and doors using sealer or caulk. 
  • Check the perimeter of your home and its foundations every three months for any cracks that can be entryways into your home. 
  • Remove any debris or vegetation from around the foundations of your home.  

Final Thoughts 

There it is the essential guide for finding an exterminator that deals with stink bugs

With stink bug infestations continuing to rise as they spread through the United States and across the globe, finding an exterminator that deals with such infestations should be no problem at all.   

To make sure you get the most out of your money, ensure that your exterminator includes in their service, prevention methods, as well as check-ups or quarterly reapplications to make sure your home and garden stay stink bug-free.   

Alright, that’s it for this article, here are a few hand-selected articles that you might also find interesting reads:

Pest Control or Exterminator: Seven Key Things You Need to Know Before Choosing

How to Find Stink Bug Nests- Speaking From Experience

11 Plants That Repel Stink Bugs

Steve Foster

Mad about bugs and wanting to publish as many articles as I can to help educate people about these amazing beautiful creatures! For more info check out my about page

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