The last thing you want to see when walking into your bathroom is tiny black bugs. Not only is it a terrible sight but it also could mean that there is an issue in your bathroom, one that deserves immediate attention.
If you’ve got tiny black bugs in your kitchen sink and are wondering what they are and how you can get rid of them, follow along.
Below, we’ve got the scoop on tiny black bugs, helping you identify, get rid of, and manage them in your home.
Coming up:
– Why do tiny bugs make it to your kitchen?
– The most common bugs in your sink
– How to get rid of pesky black bugs
– Ways to prevent tiny black bugs from coming back
Why Are There Tiny Black Bugs in My Kitchen?

Even if you’re the cleanest person on the planet, bugs could come crawling up your drain and settle in for the long run.
The one thing that they are after is moisture, as it gives them what they need to feel good and survive long.
It’s not just moisture but also a bit of humidity, making your kitchen the perfect place to settle.
When bugs are seeking a home that’s got the perfect conditions, they can get into every crack and crevice, using their limbs and/or wings to get them there. And, once they’re in your spot, they’re there to stay.
5 Most Common Tiny Black Bugs that Settle in Kitchen Sinks
If you’ve noticed tiny black bugs in your kitchen sink, you might be wondering what they are and how they got there.
The first thing you’ll need to do is find out what they are, identifying them so that you can take the most effective approach to get rid of them.
#1 Most Common Black Bug: Drain Flies

One day your kitchen is nice and clean and the next, it’s filled with tiny black bugs. The most common culprit is the drain fly, tiny, winged creatures that love moisture.
Drain flies have a similar structure to regular flies, though they are smaller and more rounded.
The colors of drain flies can vary, though a great majority of them are black or a very dark shade of gray.
When you spot them in your kitchen, you’ll want to start taking action, as most of them have a very short life cycle, reproducing quickly and taking up space in your kitchen sink faster than you think.
#2 The Sweet Seekers: Gnats

If you like to have a healthy and varied diet, you likely have yummy and sweet fruits and veggies on your counter or in your fridge.
While it’s great to be healthy, there is one thing to keep a lookout for when keeping fruits on your kitchen counter, and that’s gnats.
You’ve likely come into contact with gnats more than a few times, seeing those annoying and tiny flying bugs in your kitchen that just don’t seem to want to go away.
The majority of the time, they come around in the spring months in search of sweet fruits and veggies that you have in your kitchen.
#3. The Immortal Nuisance: Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of those bugs that can survive just about anything, even springing up in areas where disaster has stricken.
Not only are they virtually invincible but they also love dirt, crumbs, and moist areas, making the sink the perfect place to settle.
If you start to see tiny black bugs that resemble cockroaches in your kitchen sink, you’ll need to take steps to get rid of them immediately, as they can wreak havoc on your entire home.
#4. The Stinky Insect: Stink Bugs

Stink bugs get their name from their infamous odor, releasing a pungent smell when they’re killed.
These little bugs, like many others, love a bit of moisture and also love an area where they can access food, which is why you may see them gather in your kitchen sink.
Stink bugs are small, though they can grow to be bigger if you let them sit for too long.
Just like all of these other common tiny black bugs, you’ll need to take steps to get rid of them quickly, as they can start to reproduce and take up more space than you’re comfortable giving them.
#5. The Most Annoying Tiny Black Bug: Booklice

Booklice are pretty common in kitchen sinks and can be difficult to get rid of. They are super small in size and are not often recognized until much longer after they’ve taken up space and settled in a larger colony.
You may see one or two, and then all of a sudden, find more than you’re comfortable admitting.
The good news is, when it comes to getting rid of booklice, all it takes is just a bit of boric acid or talcum powder, both of which will take out a lot of the excess moisture and make either eradicate them or make them scurry away and never come back.

How To Get Rid of Tiny Black Bugs?
When you’ve got tiny black bugs in your home, you’re likely to seek out ways that you can get rid of them.
Luckily, there are several options to choose from, some of which have a solid reputation that’s known for wiping out even the peskiest of critters.

We’re not telling you to call in the pros (unless it’s serious!). You can find great insect killers in many home and garden stores, most of them safe for you but harmful for the insects you’re trying to target.
Extermination requires some kind of formula to get rid of all the bugs in your kitchen, wiping out all the visible and non-visible bugs.
This is the first step that you should take to get rid of tiny black bugs in your kitchen, wiping out most of their population.
Deep Cleaning

Not to say that you’re not a clean freak but, when you say deep cleaning, we mean really getting in there and starting to clean all your gadgets, cabinets, and more.
Even the tiniest bit of buildup somewhere can attract the peskiest of bugs, making it a critical step in getting rid of tiny black bugs.
Some key areas to target during your deep cleaning include all the drains in your kitchen sink, your trashcan, the window seals and cabinets, and pantries.
All of them will ensure that all the insect’s favorite places are wiped out and uninhabitable by these tiny black bugs.
Set Some Traps

Even if you clean the best you’ve ever cleaned in your life, there could be some pesky tiny black bugs lurking around your kitchen.
That’s why, just to be on the safe side, you should set some traps. The type of trap that you should set depends on the bug you have in your kitchen, so be sure to do some planning before.
If you’ve got any kind of lying bug (drain flies or gnats) you might want to go for sticky traps.
For those that are all over the place, you may want to do a homemade mixture of vinegar, sugar, and a few drops of detergent, using it to lure them in and then deprive them of the nutrients they need.
Ways To Prevent Tiny Black Bugs from Coming Back
Once you see that you’ve gotten rid of those terrible tiny black bugs, there is one other thing that you’ll likely want to do, and that keeps them from coming back.
There are several ways that you can prevent tiny black bugs from coming back, including:
Reducing Moisture

We mentioned above that many of the tiny black bugs that make their way into your kitchen are attracted to moisture.
It’s this moisture that keeps them coming back for more, which is why you should do what you can to ensure that none of it ends up in your kitchen.
Regular Cleaning
Though you might keep your trash low and your dishes washed, you’ll also need to take steps to wipe down sticky surfaces and prevent the buildup of food or crumbs from accumulating.
You can do this by wiping things down and keeping spills and drops picked up.

Seal your Kitchen
Tiny black bugs can make their way into your home by using even the tiniest of openings. When they find a way in, they will send a signal to all of their buddies, alerting them that your place is up and open for business.
Even the tiniest of cracks could invite them in, which is why you should seal your place up.
Keep An Eye on Your Drain

If there is one area that tiny black bugs love more than others, it’s the drain. It’s filled with moisture and has a bit of food buildup, two things that they are after when they enter your home.
Not only should you keep your drain clean, but make sure that you run some bleach down it to keep them from coming back.
Alright, that’s it for this article, here are a few hand-selected articles that you might also find interesting reads:
Tiny Black Bugs in Your Home? – Here’s what they REALLY areTiny Grey Bugs In My House – What Are They?
9 Most Common Kitchen Bugs Identified