How to Find Stink Bug Nests- Speaking From Experience

You can find stink bug nests in crevices, crooks, crannies, and anywhere that can go long periods of time without being disturbed.

During the cooler months, they can become a nuisance inside your household as they look for warmer places to live. Door frames, under rocks, attics, false ceilings, and even drapes can act as homes to this unpleasant pest.

The rest of this article will go into detail on how to find stink bug nests, what climate and environment they thrive in, and how to best identify a stink bug nest within your surroundings.

This article will tackle the following questions in regard to stink bug nests:

  • How do you find stink bug nests?
  • What climate do you find stink bug nests?
  • How many stink bugs per nest?
  • Can you find stink bug nests inside and outside?
  • What does a stink bug nest look like?
  • How do you get rid of a stink bug nest?
  • How can you prevent stink bugs from becoming a pest?

How do you find stink bug nests?

Stink bugs, also known as shield bugs, can be found in any small crevice or crack. A good place to look is under rocks or around door frames.

They are also very attracted to light. That means they like to come out on sunny days or hang out around light fixtures.

In what climate do you find stink bug nests?

They generally thrive in temperatures around 21ºC or higher. Stink bugs are native to South-East Asia but also found throughout North America. 

They’re most common in the mid-Atlantic areas of the United States and the Southern areas of Canada.

 How many stink bugs are in a nest?

There can be hundreds to thousands of stink bugs in a nest.

The adult female will lay anywhere from 20-50 eggs each time and will lay hundreds in her lifecycle- having up to four generations of offspring in her life.

Multiply that by each female laying eggs, and you have quite a stink bug crisis on your hands.

Can stink bugs nest inside?

Yes, stink bug nests can also be found indoors. For the most part, they tend to invade homes in the cooler seasons. Window and door frames, vents, and walls with the most sun exposure are a sure place to spot them.

They can also be found inside on drapes or any crevice in the ceiling area, like drop-down ceilings, as well as light fixtures.

Where do stink bugs nest when outside?

When stink bugs nest outside, they can be found in more natural areas. Check under rocks and other ground debris.

Another great place to look is on elm and oak trees specifically. They like to borrow in underneath the bark of the trees, and peek out when the sun is bright.

What do stink bug nests look like?

Stink bugs’ nests look very similar to ant nests. They like to nest under the siding of a house, under rocks, or in the walls of a building.

They will burrow into the material they chose to nest in, resulting in damage to specific areas in your house if you have them.

Why are stink bug nests so smelly?

Stink bugs have stinky nests because the insect itself releases an odor. This smell has been described to smell like rotting vegetables, specifically coriander and cilantro.

This is due to two chemical compounds called trans-2-decenaldehyde and trans-2-octenal. These chemicals are also found in the kitchen when you’re cooking.

How do you get rid of stink bug nests?

Stink bugs can be removed with a simple suck of your vacuum cleaner. You want to avoid crushing stink bugs, as they will release their bad-smelling chemical when squished.

You can also invest in wintergreen essential oils, which deter them from coming into your house. For a more intense infestation, call an exterminator to properly get rid of these pesky critters.

How do you tell if you have a stink bug infestation?

One of the biggest ways to tell if you have an infestation of stink bugs is to look for them on sunny winter days. They will search out the sun, even within your household.

Check out cracks and crannies around your home– if there’s quite a few milling about, chances are you have an infestation.

Why are stink bugs and their nests considered such a pest?

Besides emitting a foul odor, a smell which some are allergic to, stink bugs can destroy crops by eating the plants that are growing. Their nests can also make you very uncomfortable if they are found in your house.

Can stink bug nests cause a lot of damage?

Yes, a stink bug nest can cause quite a bit of damage. On top of destroying agricultural crops, they can also ruin the linings of doors and windows.

Nesting in your house can also cause damage inside your walls or underneath the siding of your house. When stink bugs nest in your vegetable garden, they also kill the plant, resulting in an empty vegetable bed.

Should you worry about stink bugs and their nests?

Stink bugs are not dangerous whatsoever. That being said, they can cause damage to other plants, and their smell is far from pleasant.

Regardless of this, you don’t have to be afraid of these insects, but be sure to keep an eye on them if they happen to be in your vegetable garden or crop.

What happens if your pet eats a stink bug nest?

It’s not uncommon for your furry friend to get into things they shouldn’t, and if they happen to stumble upon a nest and ingest a stink bug they may have a slight allergic reaction which can make them drool or possibly vomit.

However unpleasant it would be to ingest, your pet will survive. Stink bugs will not kill your animal.

What kind of soil do stink bugs nest in?

Stink bugs love to build up their mounds in the rich soil found on the forest floor. Decaying matter can break up the soil and make it easy to nest it.

Although this soil is preferred, stink bugs can pretty much nest in all types and acidity levels of soil found in North America and Southeast Asia.

Why are there stink bug nests in your yard?

If your yard is full of weeds, grass, and apple trees, chances are that could be the reason you have stink bugs in your yard.

The younger stink bugs in particular prefer weeds and grass over the delicious fruits and legumes that the adults prefer.

Do stink bugs prefer to nest in your yard or the forest?

Stink bugs prefer to nest in areas that are not manicured. That means long grassy areas, or areas that have a high quantity of weeds.

Usually, if your yard is well-kept, and weeds tend to only surround outside your property line, they’ll prefer the weeded area.

You can even squish stink bugs around the perimeter– the odor they emit upon being squished deter others from crossing.

Can stink bug nest in your car?

A stink bug can most definitely nest in your car! The car is full of nooks and crannies that can entice a stink bug to start a nest.

This can be a serious issue due to how smelly they can make your vehicle. Again, this is more likely to happen in the cooler months of the season.

How can stink bugs get in your car to nest?

If you happen to park close to stink bugs, or if they happen to be near your driveway, they can eventually end up crawling into your cozy car to nest.

This is more likely if you leave the windows down. Cars aren’t 100% sealed, which means there are lots of nooks and crannies they can nest in.

Can stink bug nests be found in your houseplants?

Unfortunately for you, your houseplant is a perfect place for a stink bug to build a nest in. Stink bugs love using the backsides of leaves to lay their eggs. This makes for a quick infestation problem in your household.

How can you get rid of stink bugs and their nests?

If you’re truly concerned about stink bugs nesting in your space, you can take measures to get rid of the harmless creepy crawlers.

Sticky Traps:
The best trap for a stink bug would be sticky traps. You can make your own with some double-sided tape, or just get some from your home hardware store.

Vacuum Cleaner:
The vacuum, again, is another sure way to get them out of the area immediately and might be a less stinky option, as they are less likely to become threatened.

Chalking is something that should go hand in hand with the sticky tape. Make sure to cover up unwanted cracks that stink bugs might like to crawl into.

Alright, that’s it for this article, here are a few hand-selected articles that you might also find interesting reads:

What Are Stink Bugs Good For? 7 Things You Didn’t Know

What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House? 5 Common Mistakes

11 Plants That Repel Stink Bugs

Steve Foster

Mad about bugs and wanting to publish as many articles as I can to help educate people about these amazing beautiful creatures! For more info check out my about page

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